IV Workshop on Numerical and Theoretical Astrophysics
One-day event - 06/05/2022
Center of Astro-Engineering UC
Institute of Astrophysics
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Campus San Joaquin - Santiago - Chile
IV Workshop on Numerical and Theoretical Astrophysics - 2022
Models and simulations provide a nexus between theory and observations. Because of this keystone role, significant efforts have been made over the last years in the Chilean community to strengthen the formation of young researchers and the interaction between groups. To both reinforce existing developments and foster new collaborations between different Chilean groups, three very successful "Workshop on Numerical Models and Simulations" were held in 2015 (UNAB), 2016 (PUC), and 2017 (UdeC). This year, we would like to extend an invitation to participate in the next Workshop to anyone interested in interacting with the numerical and theoretical community in Chile.
We are following up on this effort with a new one-day workshop hosted by the Center of Astro-Engineering (AIUC) and the Institute of Astrophysics (IA) of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile on 6 May, 2022. Due to the pandemic, we chose the format of the workshop to be “hybrid” with a maximum of 40 in-person participants, according to the current sanitary restrictions, and simultaneous online participation via Zoom. We are planning to hold a hybrid event unless the pandemic situation forces us to switch to a fully virtual mode. The workshop will be free (with the exception of the conference dinner).
The workshop program will include contributions from different projects and groups, however priority will be given to early career researchers to present their work. One of the goals of this workshop is to provide a platform to engage in inspiring discussions, foster new collaborations between groups, and share and/or collaborate in the development of new computational methods and approaches, such as artificial intelligence (AI).
In-person: The 40 in-person slots will be assigned on a first come, first serve basis.
Virtually: The link of the meeting will be shared with each participant by e-mail the day before the event.
The duration of the contributed talks is 15 min (12+3) min.
The language of the workshop is ENGLISH.

Scientific Organization Committee (SOC):
N. Padilla (Instituto de Astronomia Teorica y Experimental - IATE)
D. Schleicher (Universidad de Concepcion - UdeC)
G. Candlish (Universidad de Valparaiso - UV)
A. Monachesi (Universidad de La Serena - ULS)
P. Tissera (Chair, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile)
Local Organization Committee (LOC):
C. Casanueva
E. Sillero
D. Stoppacher
P. Tissera (Chair, PUC)
Contact us:
Dr. Patricia Tissera - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
E-mail: evolgal4D@gmail.com
Campus: San Joaquin
Address: Avda. Vicuña Mackenna 4860 - Macul - Santiago - Chile
Zip code: 8970117
IV Workshop on Numerical and Theoretical Astrophysics
One-day meeting - 06/05/2022