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The stellar halos of dwarf galaxies using the Auriga simulations | Elisa Tau |
Insight into the physical processes that shape the metallicity profiles in galaxies | Brian Tapia |
Formation of Stellar Halos of different mass galaxies in CIELO Simulations | Jenny Gonzalez |
Linking the brightest stellar streams with the accretion history of Milky Way-like galaxies | Alex Vera-Casanova |
P-GADGET3-K: an implementation to study the chemical evolution of galaxies | Emanuel Sillero |
Developing new recipes for measuring the
dynamical state of galaxy clusters using simulation | Hyowon Kim |
Study of Stellar Populations Properties in Simulated Galaxies | Anell Cornejo Cárdenas |
X-ray binaries at the Cosmic Dawn | Lucía Paz Garate Núñez |
Galaxy morphology and Angular Momentum content: The inner region | Susana Pedrosa |
DM haloes properties: morphology and density profiles evolution with redshift | Pedro Cataldi |
Contact us:
Dr. Patricia Tissera - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Campus: San Joaquin
Address: Avda. Vicuña Mackenna 4860 - Macul - Santiago - Chile
Zip code: 8970117
IV Workshop on Numerical and Theoretical Astrophysics
One-day meeting - 06/05/2022

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