We are planning to hold a one-day hybrid workshop hosted by the AIUC and the IA of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile on 6 May, 2022, unless the pandemic situation forces us to switch to a fully virtual mode. The workshop will be free of charge (with the exception of the conference dinner).
The official language of the meeting is English and the talks are geared towards a professional audience to promote state-of-the-art discussions of hot topics within areas of expertise. Participants are invited to present short oral contributions or e-posters by filling in the form below. The formal deadline for the submission of talk abstracts is 20 March, 2022.
Short oral contributions: 10 minutes real-time talks (virtual or in-person) + 5 minutes discussions.​
E-posters: 1 slides (16:9) in .PDF format with a maximum weight of 7.5 Mb. OPTIONAL: an introductory video of 2 minutes long (it could be a summary of your work, or an invitation to read your e-poster, or any other creative way to show your work in 2’). Poster (and video) must be sent by email to evolgal4d@gmail.com with the following subject: "lastname_firstname_4W".
Note that, if you would like to send a contribution (poster/talk), you must provide the title and abstract at the time of the registration.
Registration opens: February 02, 2022
Talk abstracts submission deadline: March 20, 2022 (FINISHED)
Contributions acceptance confirmation: April 10, 2022
Program announcement: April 20, 2022.
Poster abstracts submission deadline: April 20, 2022
Poster upload deadline: April 25, 2022
Assistance registration closes: April 25, 2022
Workshop: May 06, 2022
Please, fill in the following form to register your participation.
Contact us:
Dr. Patricia Tissera - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
E-mail: evolgal4D@gmail.com
Campus: San Joaquin
Address: Avda. Vicuña Mackenna 4860 - Macul - Santiago - Chile
Zip code: 8970117
IV Workshop on Numerical and Theoretical Astrophysics
One-day meeting - 06/05/2022